Riana S.

Riana S.


MIT / Harvard MBA/MPA Grad / PD Soros Fellow / Liberal Arts Undergrad

MIT Sloan Logo

Studied at MIT Sloan

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Riana’s MBA Qualifications

10+ people coached for MBA

Open to working with clients outside the U.S.

Coming from a non-target undergraduate institution and non-target work place I secured admission at MIT and Harvard and know how difficult it is to do so. I can help you tell your story and really stand out. I make things accessible and break them down into bite sized goals to help you put your best foot forward. While in my MBA program I worked at Bridgewater Associates and then had offers from Goldman Sachs TMT SF and Morgan Stanley Tech Investment banking groups. I also won the P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans (1% acceptance rate, $90,000) and the Zuckerman Fellowship (full ride at Harvard + Stanford), which helped fund a large part of my graduate degree.

Riana can help with:

Financial Aid & Scholarships


Secondary Review


Ding Analysis

School Selection

Application Strategy




Waitlist Strategy

View all of Riana’s categories

About Riana

My clients have been admitted to HBS, Stanford GSB, MIT Sloan, Darden, Columbia, Tuck, Booth, and Berkeley Haas. When I started my business school journey I did not know a single person who had gone to a top business school. I did not work at a target top tier company and none of my recommenders had experience with MBA recommendation letters. To get into my dream MBA programs I built a network, and spent a long time figuring out the blueprint to the various MBA programs, and was eventually offered full rides by multiple schools. While at MIT Sloan, I served on Sloan Senate as the head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and spent a ton of time with the Heads of Admission to really understand what set mediocre candidates apart from excellent ones. My clients are diverse and range from first-gen folks to consultants to entrepreneurs to nonprofit folks. I'm an empathetic yet honest coach and am very effective at what I do. My background is in entrepreneurship, consulting, venture capital and most recently banking and finance.

Why do I coach?

I am a Technology Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley during the day and take on a limited number of clients because I want to help aspiring applicants. I know 30-60 minutes with me may just have a huge impact. Let's help you make your dreams come true!


MIT Sloan Logo

MIT Sloan


2018 - 2021

Harvard University Logo

Harvard University


2018 - 2021

2 Reviews

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Riana S.

Riana S.
