Riana S.

Riana S.


MIT Sloan Logo

Studied at MIT Sloan

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About Riana

My clients have been admitted to HBS, Stanford GSB, MIT Sloan, Darden, Columbia, Tuck, Booth, and Berkeley Haas. When I started my business school journey I did not know a single person who had gone to a top business school. I did not work at a target top tier company and none of my recommenders had experience with MBA recommendation letters. To get into my dream MBA programs I built a network, and spent a long time figuring out the blueprint to the various MBA programs, and was eventually offered full rides by multiple schools. While at MIT Sloan, I served on Sloan Senate as the head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and spent a ton of time with the Heads of Admission to really understand what set mediocre candidates apart from excellent ones. My clients are diverse and range from first-gen folks to consultants to entrepreneurs to nonprofit folks. I'm an empathetic yet honest coach and am very effective at what I do. My background is in entrepreneurship, consulting, venture capital and most recently banking and finance.

Why do I coach?

I am a Technology Investment Banker at Morgan Stanley during the day and take on a limited number of clients because I want to help aspiring applicants. I know 30-60 minutes with me may just have a huge impact. Let's help you make your dreams come true!


MIT Sloan Logo

MIT Sloan


2018 - 2021

Harvard University Logo

Harvard University


2018 - 2021

2 Reviews

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Riana S.

Riana S.
