GMAT Verbal: Mastering 800-Level Questions

Ben L.

Hosted By Ben L.


83 Reviews

Sentence correction can be mind-numbing; critical reasoning is beyond nitpicky; reading comprehension feels like an unwanted return to 8th grade. From someone who managed to score at the high end of the GMAT's 99th percentile while acing the Verbal section, my goal is to help you unlock best-practice strategies you can apply to elevate your own score -- no matter your starting point. The examples we'll review will be challenging, but those who are just starting out will learn tactics that will build confidence and make easier questions feel easy. For those nearing the end of their prep or looking to take their score into the next tier, this course will showcase tools you can apply immediately. I've tutored a number of folks on all elements of the exam, but will be using this course to give an inside look at what targeted, 1:1 GMAT prep would feel like in a small class environment -- and offer the potential to work together going forward.

What you'll get out of this event

High-level strategies for tackling the GMAT's hardest questions

Tangible problem-solving walkthroughs that navigate multiple concepts to find the best answer

Challenging examples from each GMAT verbal section

Follow-up opportunities to take 1:1 tutoring with me after this course and before your exam.

This event is great for GMAT test-takers (MBA applicants, deferred or traditional)

Ben L.

Hosted By Ben L.


83 Reviews

Stanford MBA | Ex-McKinsey | 99th% GMAT | Founder @ TownSquare Chess

Scored a 780 on the GMAT

20+ people coached for GMAT

Open to working with clients outside the U.S.

GMAT Test-Taking & MBA Coaching • Scored in the highest percentile (99th) of GMAT test-takers, but more importantly I've honed my ability to help others extrapolate top test-testing strategies in the areas they're weakest • Stanford MBA with experience coaching multiple admits to Stanford GSB, HBS and all other M7, plus INSEAD, Haas, and more (see >20 Leland reviews) CAREER • Prior to Stanford, I worked on the Policy Team for the Chicago Mayor's Office under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, focusing on 5G infrastructure policy, criminal justice policy, and citywide corporate/economic development deals • Before policy, worked at McKinsey & Co , with casework focused on job training for the formerly incarcerated and workforce development for at-risk youth • PE / VC / Startup Advising | After Stanford, worked in Bain's Private Equity Group on various due diliegences, managed deals with several venture capital firms, and advised multiple startups on growth and go-to-market strategy

GMAT Verbal: Mastering 800-Level Questions