Top 20 Questions to Ask During Your MBA Application Interview

Sample questions to ask your interviewer during the MBA application process, including an overview of how each top school treats the interview.

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If you plan to attend business school, you need to be prepared for an MBA interview. It’s a well known fact that almost every MBA program requires an interview in the application process as it helps applicants determine whether the school is a good fit for them while simultaneously helping the school vet the applicant. For this reason, having genuine, intelligent, and relevant questions prepared ahead of time is very important if you want to ace this portion of the admissions process.

Though all the top business schools involve an interview, there are many differences in how it's done, including the format, what questions are asked, and who the interviewer is, among others. Some schools interview almost everyone while others only extend an invitation to those they are the most seriously considering. Here are details on each M7’s interview process to help you prepare.

Interview Formats of the M7 MBA Programs

Stanford GSB

The GSB interviews only a select number of applicants, usually two to three people for every one spot in the class. So, being extended an invitation to interview is a positive sign but not a guarantee. GSB says that in the interview, it focuses on past actions, including what you have done and how you have done it. You’ll be asked about meaningful professional or community-based experiences from the past few years.

  • Interviewer: Alumni or MBA admissions officer
  • Format: Virtual or in-person
  • Length: 45-60 minutes
  • Timeline: Late September to late November (Round 1), mid-January to mid-March (Round 2), and late April to mid-May (Round 3)

Read: How to Nail Your Stanford GSB MBA Interview: Overview, Questions, & Tips

Harvard Business School

HBS also does not extend invitations flippantly. Around 20-25% of all those who submit an application will be asked to interview. Uniquely, HBS requires interviewees to write a “post-interview reflection” within 24 hours. MBA interviewers at Harvard prepare heavily, they review your entire application ahead of time. HBS stresses that it is a conversation designed to help the school learn more about you, tailored specifically to your candidacy.

  • Interviewer: Admissions board member
  • Format: In-person (in a major city), Zoom, or on-campus
  • Length: 30 minutes
  • Timeline: October (Round 1), late January to early March (Round 2)

Read: How to Ace Your HBS MBA Interview

University of Chicago Booth

Around half of all applicants are extended an invitation to interview at Booth. Though Booth interviews more applicants than GSB or HBS, getting an invite is still positively indicative that your application is being strongly considered. According to past interviewees, questions include “Why an MBA?”, “Why Booth?”, “Tell me about yourself,” and “Tell me about your leadership style,” among others.

  • Interviewer: Current student, graduate, or admissions staff member
  • Format: On-campus, in-person, or virtual
  • Length: 30-45 minutes (including about 10 minutes for Q&A)
  • Timeline: Mid-October to early November (Round 1), end of January to February (Round 2), mid-April to mid-June (Round 3)

How to Nail Your Booth MBA Application Interview: Overview, Questions, and Tips and How to Answer the “Why Booth?” Interview Question

University of Pennsylvania Wharton

The interview at Wharton is very unique. Instead of the traditional conversation with an adcom member, those who are asked to interview will participate in a Team-Based Discussion (TBD) with four to five other applicants. There is a short, ten-minute one-on-one after the TBD. About 40% of all the applicants are extended an invitation to interview.

  • Interviewer: 4-5 other applicants and then a member of the admissions committee
  • Format: Virtual
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Timeline (2022-2023): October 25 (Round 1), February 17 (Round 2), April 13 (Round 3), May 25 (Deferred)

Read our full article on Wharton’s interview here: Wharton Interview Guide: The Team-Based Discussion

Northwestern University Kellogg

Your interviewer at Northwestern will not have read your application, only the resume. Kellogg emphasizes that it’s a way for you to share or elaborate on the life experiences that led you to an MBA and the school. It’s also unique in that it interviews as many of its applicants as possible.

  • Interviewer: Current student, alumni, or MBA admissions officers
  • Format: Virtual
  • Length: 30-45 minutes
  • Timeline: Applicants schedule their own interviews within six weeks of the application deadline

Curious to learn more about Kellogg’s interview process and gain some expert tips? Read our article How to Nail Your Kellogg MBA Interview: Overview, Questions, & Tips

Columbia Business School

Like Kellogg, the interviewer at CBS will only have seen your resume, not your application. It sends invitations sparingly so being asked to interview is a good sign but not a guarantee. Unlike most other business schools, an interview is not required for acceptance.

  • Interviewer: Usually an alumnus, occasionally an MBA admissions officer or current student
  • Format: In-person or virtual
  • Length: 45-60 minutes
  • Timeline: Variable, within six weeks of submitting the application

Read: Ace Your Columbia Business School MBA Interview: Expert Tips and Sample Questions

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan

Sloan’s interview is slightly different from the others and is commonly referred to as a “Behavioral Event-Based Interview.” Questions will almost exclusively focus on your past actions rather than hypotheticals. They want to know why you made the decisions you did. Interviewers will ask a lot of follow-up questions, so you’ll answer fewer questions than for other programs. Typically, around 20-25% of all applicants are asked to interview.

  • Interviewer: Admissions committee member
  • Format: Virtual
  • Length: 30-45 minutes
  • Timeline: Invitations are sent on a rolling basis until the decision deadline

For more expert advice on the MIT interview, read our article How to Nail Your MIT Sloan MBA Interview: Overview, Questions, & Tips

Most Common Interview Questions of the Top 10 MBA Programs

Download our free guide to the most common MBA interview questions to be as prepared as possible to nail your interview

MBA Interview Tips

MBA interviews, like every other part of the MBA application, require a lot of preparation. Make a list of the main stories and examples you want to use and practice saying them. For many people, using a structure like STAR makes it easier to frame the response in a more methodical way. Here are several other tips to help you nail the interview.

Prepare Differently for Different Interviewers

The questions that you should ask an alumnus or current student are different from those you’d ask an admissions committee member. Remain conscious of this fact and prepare your answers accordingly. We recommend you take some of the questions we’ve listed below and adapt them to each program you’re interviewing for.

Show Genuine Enthusiasm for the Specific Program

Schools want to admit students that actually want to go there. Go into the interview well-versed in the school’s specificities. What are its strengths and weaknesses? What are some of the classes you’re most interested in? What attracts you to this program over others?

Ask Questions Relevant to Your Interests

Remember, this interview is also a chance for you to see if it’s a good fit for your background, interests, and goals. The questions you ask should be ones that you are genuinely interested in. You are the only “you” applying. Don’t talk about what you think the interviewer wants to hear.

Avoid Yes/No Questions

Don’t ask yes/no questions or ones that have a “right” answer. Basically, don’t ask them about any information that you could get in a ten-second Google search. The interview is a chance for you to learn things about the program that you couldn’t get anywhere else and that are aligned with your interests. Relatedly, only ask questions that you think the interviewer will actually have an answer to.

If you’re looking for some inspiration from MBA interview questions you might encounter during your conversation, read our article: Most Common M7 MBA Interview Questions.

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Questions to Ask an Alumni Interviewer

When preparing for your MBA admissions interview, keep in mind that engaging with former MBA graduates can be extremely valuable in teaching you otherwise hard-to-get information about the program's culture, alumni network, and the real-world application of the education experience. MBA alumni interviewers are great because they tend to offer firsthand perspectives that can help you gauge whether the program aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations.

Here are key questions to ask an alumni interviewer to deepen your understanding of their MBA journey and the impact of their experience while simultaneously proving to them that you’re a strong candidate for admission:

  1. What was your experience like at the school? How has it affected your career since?
  2. What is the alumni community like? What has your experience been with it?
  3. What do you wish that you had done differently during your own MBA program?
  4. What are some of the most impactful skills or lessons you acquired during your MBA program that you feel were unique to this school? How have these skills or lessons benefited you in your career?
  5. How did the school support your career goals and aspirations? Are the academic and career services at [university] helpful?
  6. What opportunities for networking and professional development did you find most valuable?
  7. How has the school's culture influenced your personal and professional growth?
  8. What advice would you give to future students/someone starting the MBA program at this school?
  9. Can you share any memorable experiences or highlights from your time in the program?
  10. As you may know, I am interested in [industry], and although I’m familiar with [program’s resources], do you know of anything else at the university that would benefit me?

Questions to Ask an Admissions Committee Interviewer

Interviewing with an adcom member is an opportunity to explore the specifics of the MBA program, its curriculum, and its evaluation criteria from a professional’s perspective. These individuals play a pivotal role in shaping the program and selecting candidates who align with the school's values and goals, so it’s important that you appear thoughtful and determined about finding your fit in the program.

Here are ten pertinent questions to ask this type of MBA interviewer to gain clarity on the program's offerings, support systems, and expectations for successful applicants.

  1. What are the types of students who most succeed in the MBA program here? What traits do they possess?
  2. I have [X career interest]. How have you seen the school benefit other MBA students with goals like mine?
  3. What do you think are some of the most innovative or unique courses offered in the program?
  4. Given my background and interests, what resources or opportunities do you think I should focus my time and energy on during the MBA program?
  5. How does the school/program define success for MBA students in both the short and long term?
  6. What kind of support does the school provide for students interested in entrepreneurship (or any specific field)?
  7. How does the MBA program’s career services team assist students with job placement and internship opportunities?
  8. How does your program integrate experiential learning opportunities, such as internships, projects, or global immersions?
  9. Can you describe the relationship between the MBA program and the local business community or industries?
  10. What steps does the school take to ensure continuous improvement and adaptation of the curriculum to meet evolving industry trends?

Ace Your MBA Interview With the Help of an Expert

We hope you find these helpful! Applying for an MBA can definitely be a stressful process but with preparation, coaching, and time, you’ll be able to submit the best version of your candidacy possible.

FAQ for MBA Program Interview Questions

What is the purpose of an MBA interview?

The MBA interview is a crucial part of the application process that allows the school to assess your fit for their program. It also provides you with an opportunity to learn more about the program and determine if it aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations.

How should I prepare for my MBA interview?

Prepare by researching the school's program thoroughly, understanding its unique offerings, and reflecting on your experiences and goals. Practice answering common interview questions using a structured approach like STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result), and prepare thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer.

What types of questions should I ask an alumni interviewer?

Ask questions that help you understand the alumni's personal experience, the culture of the program, and the long-term benefits of the MBA. Focus on gaining insights into their career progression, networking opportunities, and any advice they have for new students.

What types of questions should I ask an admissions committee member?

Focus on questions that give you a deeper understanding of the program's curriculum, support systems, and evaluation criteria. Inquire about resources for your specific career interests, the program's unique courses, and how the school supports entrepreneurial initiatives and career placements.

How can I tailor my questions for different interviewers?

For alumni interviewers, focus on personal experiences and outcomes. For admissions committee members, ask about the program's structure, resources, and how it aligns with your career goals. Tailor your questions to the interviewer's perspective to get the most relevant information.

Why is it important to ask thoughtful questions during the interview?

Asking thoughtful questions demonstrates your genuine interest in the program and helps you gather important information that isn't available through other sources. It also shows that you have done your homework and are serious about finding the right fit for your MBA studies.

What should I avoid asking during the MBA interview?

Avoid asking questions that can be easily answered through a quick online search or that have obvious answers. Steer clear of yes/no questions and focus on open-ended questions that allow the interviewer to provide detailed insights.

How can I show genuine enthusiasm for the program during the interview?

Show enthusiasm by being well-prepared, knowledgeable about the program, and by asking questions that reflect your specific interests and goals. Express how the program's unique offerings align with your career aspirations and personal development.

As you continue on your application journey, here are a few other articles that you may find useful:

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