How to Prepare for Morgan Stanley Investment Banking Interviews

Are you preparing for a Morgan Stanley investment banking interview? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide will provide you with the tips and strategies you need to ace your interview and land your dream job.

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If you're looking to break into the competitive world of investment banking, then Morgan Stanley is definitely a company worth exploring. But, before you start polishing your resume and cover letter, it's important that you take some time to thoroughly prepare for the interview process. In this article, we'll provide you with all the information you'll need to give yourself the best possible chance of landing a job with Morgan Stanley.

Introduction to Morgan Stanley Investment Banking

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services company that offers a range of products and services to clients around the world. Its investment banking division provides advisory services, financing, and risk management solutions to corporations, governments, and institutions. As with all investment banks, the interview process at Morgan Stanley is rigorous and highly competitive. The company looks for intelligent, analytical, and highly motivated individuals who are able to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment.

In addition to its investment banking services, Morgan Stanley also offers a range of other financial products and services, including wealth management, asset management, and sales and trading. This broad range of offerings provides employees with opportunities to gain exposure to different areas of the financial industry and develop a well-rounded skill set. For individuals interested in a career in finance, Morgan Stanley is a top choice due to its reputation for excellence and its commitment to developing its employees.

One of the key factors that sets Morgan Stanley apart from other investment banks is its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The company actively seeks to recruit individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, recognizing that a diverse workforce is essential to its success. This commitment is reflected in the interview process, where candidates are evaluated not only on their technical skills and experience, but also on their ability to work effectively with others and contribute to a collaborative team environment.

Preparing for the Interview – General Steps for Success

Researching the Company and Industry Trends

Before you can prepare for your Morgan Stanley interview, it's important that you research the company, its values, and the investment banking industry as a whole. You'll need to have a strong understanding of the company's history, mission, and goals, as well as the key trends and challenges facing the investment banking industry today. You can find a wealth of information on Morgan Stanley’s website, including company press releases, annual reports, and industry news sources.

Additionally, it's important to research the specific division or team you are interviewing for. This will give you a better understanding of the types of projects and clients you may be working with, as well as the skills and experience required for the role. You can also reach out to current or former employees on professional networking sites like LinkedIn to gain insights into the company culture and interview process.

Understanding the Job Description and Required Skills

To be successful in your interview, you'll need to have a clear understanding of the job description and the skills and qualities that Morgan Stanley is looking for. Make sure to carefully review the job posting and identify the key responsibilities, skills, and qualifications that the company is seeking. You should also take the time to identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and be prepared to articulate how you can add value to the team.

It's also important to research the company culture and values, as well as the industry trends and challenges that the company is facing. This will help you to better understand the context of the job and how you can contribute to the company's success. Additionally, you should be prepared to ask thoughtful questions during the interview, to demonstrate your interest and engagement in the role and the company.

Finally, it's critical to practice your interview skills, including your communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities. You can do this by participating in mock interviews with friends or colleagues, or by seeking feedback from a career coach or mentor.

Crafting a Strong Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume and cover letter will be the first point of contact between you and the company, so it's important that they are well-crafted and effective. Use your research of the company and job description to tailor your resume and cover letter to Morgan Stanley's needs. Make sure that each document is error-free, concise, and showcases your relevant experience and skills.

When crafting your resume, it's important to highlight your achievements and quantify your impact in previous roles. Use specific numbers and data to demonstrate your success and show how you can bring value to Morgan Stanley. Additionally, consider using a professional resume template to ensure that your document is visually appealing and easy to read.

As for your cover letter, it should not simply restate your resume. Instead, use it as an opportunity to showcase your personality and explain why you are passionate about the position and the company. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name and personalize your letter to the specific job you are applying for. Finally, proofread your cover letter multiple times to ensure that it is error-free and professional.

Read: Crafting the Perfect Investment Banking Resume: Best Practices

Networking with Current and Former Employees

Networking can be a valuable way to get an inside look at Morgan Stanley and the investment banking industry as a whole. Reach out to current and former employees on LinkedIn, attend industry events, and consider joining relevant professional organizations. You may also consider reaching out to a recruiter or headhunter who specializes in the investment banking industry.

When networking with current and former employees, it's important to approach the conversation with a clear understanding of what you hope to gain from the interaction. Consider preparing a list of questions or topics to discuss beforehand, and be sure to listen actively to the insights and experiences shared by the other person.

Another effective way to network with industry professionals is to attend conferences and events. These gatherings provide an opportunity to meet and connect with individuals who share your interests and goals. Be sure to bring business cards and follow up with any promising contacts after the event.

Read: Mastering Investment Banking Coffee Chats: Essential Tips and Strategies for Success

Preparing for the Interview – Morgan Stanley-Specific Steps to Take

Preparing for Behavioral Questions and Case Studies

Morgan Stanley is known for asking behavioral questions and case studies during its interviews. Behavioral questions are designed to assess your past behavior and how you handle specific situations, while case studies test your ability to solve complex problems and think critically. Make sure to review common behavioral questions and have examples ready to share, and practice your problem-solving skills by working through case studies.

It is important to note that in addition to preparing for behavioral questions and case studies, you should also research the company and its culture. This will help you understand the values and goals of the organization, and allow you to tailor your responses to align with their mission. Additionally, be sure to dress professionally and arrive early to the interview to show your enthusiasm and preparedness.

During the interview, remember to listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and take your time to formulate thoughtful responses. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification if needed, and use specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your skills and abilities. Finally, be confident and authentic in your responses, and remember that the interview is an opportunity for both you and the company to determine if it is a good fit.

Read: How to Nail the Second Most Common Investment Banking Interview Question ("Why This Firm?")

Practicing Technical Questions and Financial Modeling Exercises

In addition to behavioral questions and case studies, Morgan Stanley is also likely to ask technical questions and financial modeling exercises. These questions will test your knowledge of finance and accounting, as well as your ability to perform complex computations and analyses. Make sure to review your technical knowledge and practice your financial modeling skills using industry-standard tools like Excel.

When practicing technical questions, it is important to understand the underlying concepts and theories. This will help you to answer questions more confidently and accurately. You can find resources online or in textbooks to help you review these concepts. Additionally, it may be helpful to practice with a friend or mentor who can provide feedback and help you identify areas for improvement.

Financial modeling exercises can be challenging, but they are an important part of the interview process. These exercises will test your ability to analyze financial data and make informed decisions based on that data. To prepare, you can practice with sample exercises or create your own using real-world financial data. This will help you to become more comfortable with the process and improve your skills.

Read: The Top 20 Most Frequently Asked Investment Banking Technical Interview Questions

Following Up After the Interview: Dos and Don'ts

Following up after a Morgan Stanley investment banking interview is a critical step that can help you leave a positive impression and showcase your continued interest in the position. Here are some dos and don'ts to consider:


  • Send a Thank-You Email: Within 24 hours of the interview, send a personalized thank-you email to each person you interviewed with. Express your gratitude for their time, reiterate your interest in the position, and mention something specific from the interview to show your engagement.
  • Reiterate Your Interest: Use the thank-you email to reaffirm your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Mention aspects of the company's work, culture, or projects that resonate with you.
  • Highlight Your Fit: Emphasize how your skills, experience, and passion align with the needs of the investment banking role and the company's goals. This is an opportunity to remind them why you're a strong candidate.
  • Share Additional Insights: If there was a topic or point you didn't have a chance to elaborate on during the interview, you can briefly address it in your follow-up email. This can be a chance to provide more context to your qualifications.
  • Show Appreciation: Express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and learn more about the company. Show that you value the insights gained during the interview process.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone in your follow-up email. Use proper grammar and spelling, and ensure that your email is concise and to the point.


  • Don't Be Pushy: While it's important to express your interest, avoid being overly aggressive or pushy in your follow-up communication. Respect their time and decision-making process.
  • Don't Overdo It: One follow-up email is generally sufficient. Sending multiple emails or trying to contact them through various channels can come across as excessive.
  • Avoid Generic Messages: Make your thank-you email specific to the interview and the company. Avoid using generic templates that could make you seem insincere.
  • Don't Bring Up Compensation: Avoid discussing compensation, benefits, or other sensitive topics in your follow-up email. Focus on your fit for the role and the company's culture.
  • Don't Stalk on Social Media: While it's okay to connect with interviewers on professional platforms like LinkedIn, avoid excessive interaction or commenting on all their posts. Respect their online boundaries.
  • Don't Expect Immediate Responses: Understand that the interviewers might be busy and might not respond immediately to your follow-up email. Be patient and allow them time to review their options.

In summary, a thoughtful and well-crafted follow-up after a Morgan Stanley investment banking interview can leave a positive impression and potentially enhance your chances of getting an offer. Keep your communication professional, concise, and genuine, showcasing your continued interest and fit for the role.

Read next: 37 Free Resources to Break Into Investment Banking

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