Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Law School

Are you considering law school? Our article outlines the top 10 ways to prepare for this challenging journey.

Posted June 5, 2023

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Are you considering pursuing a legal career? If so, congratulations! You're about to embark on an exciting journey that will challenge you in ways you never imagined. However, before you start law school, it's important to prepare yourself adequately. In this article, we'll discuss the top 10 ways to prepare for law school.

1. Understand the Law School Application Process

Before you even start preparing for law school, it's crucial that you understand the process of applying for law schools. This includes registering for the LSAC, gathering transcripts, and obtaining letters of recommendation. Make sure to research and understand the requirements for each law school you're considering applying to.

Additionally, it's important to note that the application process for law school can be quite competitive. Many law schools receive a high volume of applications each year, so it's important to make sure your application stands out. This can be achieved by highlighting your unique experiences and qualifications, as well as submitting a well-written personal statement.

Furthermore, it's important to consider the financial aspect of applying to law school. The application fees for each school can add up quickly, and the cost of attending law school itself can be quite expensive. It's important to research and understand the financial aid options available to you, such as scholarships, grants, and loans, in order to make an informed decision about which law schools to apply to and ultimately attend.

Learn even more about the law school application process here:

2. Develop Strong Writing and Critical Thinking Skills

Law school demands excellent writing and critical thinking skills. Read academic articles, practice writing, and take critical thinking courses. Do this consistently, and you will improve these skills before starting law school.

Additionally, consider seeking feedback on your writing from professors, peers, or writing centers. This can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your skills. It is also important to stay up-to-date on current events and legal developments, as this can enhance your critical thinking abilities and provide valuable insights for your future legal career.

3. Choose the Right Pre-Law Major

Not all majors are equal in preparing you for law school. Some of the best pre-law majors are philosophy, political science, economics, and history. These majors will give you a good foundation in analytic reasoning, logic, and critical thinking.

However, it's important to note that you don't necessarily have to major in one of these fields to succeed in law school. Admissions committees are often impressed by applicants who have pursued unique and diverse academic interests. In fact, some law schools even offer specialized programs for students with non-traditional backgrounds.

Additionally, it's important to choose a major that you are passionate about and will enjoy studying. Law school is a rigorous and demanding experience, and having a strong interest in your undergraduate major can help you stay motivated and engaged throughout the process.

4. Build a Strong Resume with Relevant Experience

Law schools want applicants with exceptional resumes that show leadership, work experience, and community involvement. Take on internships, participate in moot court, and volunteer in your community. These activities will help you stand out in your law school applications.

When building your resume, it's important to focus on relevant experience. This means highlighting any work or volunteer experience that relates to the legal field. For example, if you worked as a paralegal or legal assistant, make sure to include that on your resume. Additionally, if you volunteered at a legal aid clinic or participated in a mock trial competition, be sure to mention that as well.

Another way to strengthen your resume is to seek out leadership positions. This could mean taking on a leadership role in a student organization or volunteering to lead a project at work. Law schools want to see that you have the potential to be a leader in the legal profession, so highlighting any leadership experience can be a major asset.

5. Study for and Ace the LSAT Exam

The LSAT is a crucial component of law school applications. It tests your reasoning abilities, reading comprehension, and analytical skills. Take LSAT prep courses, and practice, practice, practice. Aim for a high LSAT score to increase your chances of getting into top law schools.

One important thing to keep in mind when studying for the LSAT is to focus on your weaknesses. Take practice tests and identify the areas where you struggle the most. Then, dedicate more time to studying and practicing those specific skills. This will help you improve your overall score and increase your chances of success.

Additionally, it's important to manage your time effectively during the LSAT exam. The test is timed, and you will need to answer a large number of questions in a short amount of time. Make sure to pace yourself and don't spend too much time on any one question. If you get stuck, move on to the next question and come back to it later if you have time.

6. Research Law Schools and Choose the Right Fit

Do your research! Look into various law schools, and decide what you're looking for: location, size, faculty, curriculum, and student body. Find the schools perfect for your ambitions and personality. This will increase your chances of succeeding in law school and achieving your goals thereafter.

It's important to note that the cost of attending law school can vary greatly. Take the time to research the tuition and fees of each school you're considering, as well as any available scholarships or financial aid. This will help you make an informed decision and avoid any unexpected financial burdens.

7. Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation

Seek out professors, mentors, or supervisors who know you well and can write strong letters of recommendation. Choose people who have expertise in a field related to law school or who have worked with you on activities that suit your ambitions.

It is important to give your recommenders enough time to write a thoughtful and detailed letter. Make sure to ask them at least a month in advance of the application deadline and provide them with all the necessary information, such as your resume, personal statement, and transcripts. Additionally, it is a good idea to follow up with your recommenders a week before the deadline to ensure that they have submitted the letter on time.

8. Prepare for Law School Interviews

Many law schools require interviews before admitting applicants. Prepare for these by practicing interview questions, and researching each school's interview format and process. Good preparation will help you come off as confident and articulate in your interviews.

It is important to dress professionally for law school interviews. This means wearing a suit or business attire, and avoiding anything too flashy or distracting. Your appearance should be neat and polished, and you should avoid any strong fragrances or excessive jewelry.

During the interview, be sure to listen carefully to the interviewer's questions, and take your time in formulating your responses. It is better to take a moment to gather your thoughts and provide a thoughtful answer, rather than rushing to respond and potentially saying something you regret. Remember to be honest and genuine in your responses, and to highlight your strengths and accomplishments in a humble and confident manner.

9. Consider Joining a Pre-Law Society or Organization

Joining a pre-law society or organization can be an excellent way to connect with other people who are interested in law school. You'll get tips, information, and guidance from current and former law students. Consider joining one such society to further your preparations for law school.

Not only can joining a pre-law society provide you with valuable information and connections, but it can also offer opportunities for leadership and community involvement. Many pre-law societies organize events and volunteer opportunities that can help you build your resume and demonstrate your commitment to the legal field.

Additionally, pre-law societies often offer resources for preparing for the LSAT and applying to law school. They may provide study materials, practice tests, and workshops on personal statements and application essays. Taking advantage of these resources can give you a competitive edge in the law school admissions process.

10. Learn Time Management and Study Skills for Success in Law School

Law school is intense, and it requires time management and study skills. Learn and develop effective study strategies that work for you, and find a balance between academic work and your personal life. Get to know your professors and seek their guidance whenever you struggle with material or need instruction.

One effective study strategy is to create a study schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all the necessary material. Additionally, consider joining a study group or finding a study partner to help keep you accountable and provide support.

It's also important to take breaks and prioritize self-care. Law school can be overwhelming, and it's easy to get burnt out. Make sure to take time for yourself, whether it's exercising, spending time with friends and family, or pursuing a hobby. Remember, taking care of your mental and physical health is crucial for success in law school and beyond.

11. Understand the Cost of Law School and Plan Accordingly

A legal education doesn't come cheap. It is essential to plan financially for law school with scholarships, loans, or other educational grants. Get a better understanding of the cost of law school, and plan your budget accordingly.

It's important to note that the cost of law school can vary greatly depending on the institution and location. Private law schools tend to be more expensive than public ones, and schools located in major cities may have a higher cost of living. Additionally, the cost of textbooks and other materials can add up quickly. It's a good idea to research the specific costs associated with the law schools you are considering and factor them into your financial planning.

12. Network with Alumni and Current Law Students

Networking is essential for every profession, including law. Try to establish helpful contacts with current law school students, alumni, and practicing lawyers. Networking could provide you with valuable information, advice, and could even lead to future job opportunities.

13. Consider Taking a Gap Year to Gain Work Experience

Consider taking a gap year to gain work experience before entering law school. Work experience can enhance your resume, provide you with unofficial mentorship, and give you a better perspective on life in general.

14. Stay Motivated and Focused on Your Goals Throughout the Process

Do not lose sight of your goals during the law school application process. Keep yourself motivated and refreshed throughout the process. If you run into failures or obstacles, remember why you wanted to go to law school in the first place. Stay motivated until you reach your goals and beyond.

If you take advantage of the steps outlined above, you will give yourself a head start to success in law school. Remember, the more preparation you do, the better off you'll be both during law school and in your legal career.

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